Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The things people say

A couple who own a local jewelry store were in with their daughter and son-in- law. The husband, "Jeff", left the table to talk to me. He and his wife always drink wine and I noticed that his daughter and her husband were not indulging. I remarked on it and he said oh my kids don't drink and they don't do dope either. Now keep in mind this man is definitely over 60 maybe even close to 70 and has a very well-heeled clientele.
He then proceeded to tell me that he especially enjoys a little dope when he's feeling amorous and find it makes for a delightful evening. I asked him if he finds pot works better than Viagra. With a straight face. Oh yes he said it really mellows and relaxes both of us.
Nothing I said would have led him to confide his aphrodisiac use of an illegal substance. Maybe the wine lowered his inhibitions. You know, in vino veritas and all that.

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