Friday, September 18, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now

Ever walk into a restaurant for the first time and wonder if you made a mistake? Some things can tip you off and some things are pointless to ruminate on.
Pointless stuff would be the dining room population. If the place is empty that doesn't necessarily mean it's not good. Maybe you're having lunch at 2 and you've missed the rush. Maybe it's the final of American Idol and the usual diners can't wait for the Tivo'd version.
Stuff you should pay attention to are glassware. Are the glasses unpolished...especially wine glasses in a place with a good list.
What's the letter grade from the Health Dept? You don't have to be perfect to get an A so if it's anything less I'd walk out. Although to be fair to fellow restauranteurs you can get less than an A if you're obnoxious to the inspector. Did you know you can ask to see the most current Health Dept report? My husband says C stands for Chinese. Still...if it's less than an A I'd go elsewhere.
Take a look at the bathroom. Is it stocked with supplies like soap, paper towels, toilet paper, seat covers, etc. and what's the general cleanliness? If it's Christmas week and things are a little messy cut them some slack but if it's a disaster...guess is the kitchen and take your business elsewhere.
Were you greeted at the door and did someone ask for your drink order within a reasonable amount of time. Still waiting after 15 min? Unless you're in the mood for a 3 hr. meal take your business elsewhere.
If all the preliminary signs look good you can't really predict whether you'll like the food. You'll just have to try it.

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