Friday, September 18, 2009

Armed and Ready

Each person in the restaurant had their tools that they brought to work with them. The chefs had their own knives. Any restaurant owner will tell you not to invest big bucks in kitchen cutlery since it would disappear out the back door. Better for chefs to bring their own. That's why communism doesn't work. If you don't own it you don't care about it. We had several hispanic kitchen workers and they brought some of their own ingredients from home to add to staff meals. They'd cook a traditional Italian pasta dish but add jalapenos and some corn tortillas on the side.
Servers made sure they had a corkscrew and plenty of pens. One young server had several pens he got from a pharmaceutical dinner advertising a vaginal estrogen tablet, Vagifem. He enjoyed asking customers to sign their credit card receipt with a Vagifem pen. Another server who was prone to spilling had all the latest portable spot removers. He was like a walking washing machine.
Me? I always had another pair of shoes in the office to vary the sore spots on my feet and during the December holidays I also kept a pair of slippers on hand.

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